Monday, 29 March 2010

Bringing Back The (Semi) Blonde In Me

Hello ladies,

I don't think many of you will know, but I have only been a brunette since November 2008. I used to be very, erm...blonde before:

However, I really fancied a change, and went over to the darkside, going for a golden brown. Ever since then it seems to have got darker and darker: 

Now I feel like it's too dark when I don't wear fake tan, and I have to use more bronzer, so on Thursday I am going through the long long process of having the colour completely stripped out, my hair dresser predicts that I will have to have it stripped twice because it's so dark. I want something lighter, while I won't be going back to peroxide blonde, I am having highlights put in, but I am going for a 6 base all over. The end product should be in the same sort of family as these lovely ladies, or at least I hope so! 

Whatd'ya think?



  1. I think you pull off both light and dark hair so, its always nice to have a change :)


  2. @Lauren, thanks hun. Yeah a change is always good, just want to go a little bit lighter for a softer look for the summer. I'm excited to see how it's going to turn out! xx

  3. Oooh exciting! You're so lucky to suit both shades.... make sure you post a piccy when it's done! x

  4. Think it sounds great! I love the colour of LC's hair. X

  5. Thanks for following my blog!
    I actually think your hair looks gorgeous brunette... but I understand sometimes you just wanna change. I think Nadine Coyle's colour would look good on you.

  6. @Alison, thank you. I'll be sure to post the piccys when I get a chance!

    @Lil, Me too! Unfortunately mine didn't come out quite like that!

    @Lleyow Bagette, I'm already missing my brunette locks! x

  7. Hey thanks for following and I love your blog and am following too.

    I know how you feel about going dark and light. I myself experiment with blacks, browns and reds.

  8. I love the light and dark colour, think you'll suit it perfectly (:

    love the blog!



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